Our Roots

This is GrassRoots.

GrassRoots Branding Agency is a full-service promotional marketing agency that specializes in providing proactive branding solutions. We have every tool to accentuate your brand from promotional products to web store development. With over 25 years of experience, our team is made up of dedicated, experienced problem solvers. We work as a direct extension of your marketing team to generate ideas, execute solutions, and simplify implementation. Let us help grow your brand...From the Ground Up.

Our Relationships

Our relationships are the foundation of our success.

One of the most important ingredients to our success are the relationships we have built. We are extremely proud to have long-withstanding relationships with both our clients & our suppliers. These partnerships are the main source of energy that keeps us hungry for growth.

Client Relationships

Supplier Relationships

GR Cares is a philanthropic initiative aimed to support both local and global causes through the power of promo!

GrassRoots is donating its time and efforts through volunteering and philanthropic events throughout the year. This is a vital piece of our company culture, and the GR Cares initiative.

GrassRoots is giving the gift of growth! We have implemented a rewards initiative to support reforestation. Our “Plant-a-Tree” card allows clients to donate a tree in their name to an area in need.

GrassRoots is making a conscious effort to maintain our green footprint. We send digital copies of all our catalogs, flyers, quotes, and invoices. We kindly ask that you return the favor and continue to grow green with us.

GrassRoots is dedicated to finding promotional items that are sustainable and eco-friendly in supporting important and current causes. Please click here to visit the EcoSmart page on our product site to learn more.

GrassRoots is giving back through our monthly Favorite 5 campaign. A portion of proceeds from items purchased through the Favorite 5 will be donated to a current cause in need that reflects our GrassRoots values.

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